Lost Stolen API
Technical Notes
/omaha/lost-stolen-account & /omaha/lost-stolen-presentation-instrument
- Please refer to the Warning Bulletin Codes Table for this endpoint's input parameters - fraudArea and lossArea.
- Please refer to the Plastics and PIN Mailer Rush Codes Table for this endpoint's parameter - rushIndicator.
For a lost/stolen debitcard, the card is just reported lost/stolen. The Core then generates the new account number before sending it to FISERV.
- Please refer to the Warning Bulletin Codes Table for this endpoint's Custom Object Definition - SEC_FRAUD_AREA.
- Please refer to the Plastics and PIN Mailer Rush Codes Table for this endpoint's parameter - SEC_RUSH_ID.
- For this endpoint please also refer to the Custom Objects Definitions for Get Lost Stolen Report for more information for the Return Value of Security.
- Please refer to the Warning Bulletin Codes Table for this endpoint's parameters - multiple numbered regions WBWC_ REGION_ CD1 through CD7.
- For this endpoint, please refer to the Custom Objects Definitions for Get Warning Bulletins Table for more information for the Return Value of WarningBulletin().